Wedding in Ipoh
Last weekend I was in Ipoh for a cousin's wedding. Here's some pics I shot.

The Happy Couple

My Grandma, Unknown Person and Grandaunt

The Dinner Menu... If You Can Read It...

The Father of the Groom

My Cousins, Olivia and Adrian a.k.a Cikgu to the Cosplay Community

Nicole (not my sis) and My Grandma

The (fake) Wedding Cake. Why is it we always have fake wedding cakes?

Seng Kee calls this the "S-Class Fish" It's actually fried on one side and steamed on the other. Wonder how they did that.

Popping the Cork... *Ahem*

Whats the Point of the Pyramid of Glasses Anyway?

To Lydia and Mark...


First time I've seen this at a wedding... We just LOVE our Empat Ekor.

Don't say it in Cantonese...

... Under a Tree...

K . I . S . S . I . N . G


Grandma Eyeing the Piglet

Yes... Suckling pig... Lacked Spring Onions though...

Best Udang Galah i've EVER Eaten. Period.

I Love Candid Shots

Nicole Giving a Speech

My Lil Bro and Olivia

The Bride Mobile

Best Restaurant in Ipoh Aparently

The following shots are all by Cikgu.

Me and my D70s

The 1st Dish...

... Best "4 seasons" platter I've ever seen/partaked of.

Last weekend I was in Ipoh for a cousin's wedding. Here's some pics I shot.
Road Trip!!!!

The Happy Couple

My Grandma, Unknown Person and Grandaunt

The Dinner Menu... If You Can Read It...

The Father of the Groom

My Cousins, Olivia and Adrian a.k.a Cikgu to the Cosplay Community

Nicole (not my sis) and My Grandma

The (fake) Wedding Cake. Why is it we always have fake wedding cakes?

Seng Kee calls this the "S-Class Fish" It's actually fried on one side and steamed on the other. Wonder how they did that.

Popping the Cork... *Ahem*

Whats the Point of the Pyramid of Glasses Anyway?

To Lydia and Mark...


First time I've seen this at a wedding... We just LOVE our Empat Ekor.

Don't say it in Cantonese...

... Under a Tree...

K . I . S . S . I . N . G


Grandma Eyeing the Piglet

Yes... Suckling pig... Lacked Spring Onions though...

Best Udang Galah i've EVER Eaten. Period.

I Love Candid Shots

Nicole Giving a Speech

My Lil Bro and Olivia

The Bride Mobile

Best Restaurant in Ipoh Aparently

The following shots are all by Cikgu.

Me and my D70s

The 1st Dish...

... Best "4 seasons" platter I've ever seen/partaked of.
