Monday, January 30, 2006

Is Pak Lah Doing Nothing?

Here’s a thought on the notion that Pak Lah is failing to deliver on election promise of a better government.

What if the latest series of scandal hot on the heels of another is actually a sign that change is indeed taking place?

Think about it, under the old PM, the media was on a shorter leash and i would imagine cover up was more religiously implemented. Now suddenly you read about all the blunders in government. Idiot leaders shooting stupidity from the hip, all the Police abuse of power. Things that were once only hearsay are now out in the open, in the public mind.

Isn't acknowledging there is a problem the first step towards a solution?

Isn't it even remarkable that all the horror stories you think were rumors told inside four walls about how the police manhandle people are publicly proven to be true?

I think the thing people miss amid all this scandal is that today; the scandal is no longer clouded in uncertainty and doubt but clear in the open. Is that not a step forward, however small, for transparency and accountability that the fools who mess up are at least positively identified?

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Heres wishing everybody a Happy Chinese New Year! And may the year NOT go to the Dogs.