I'm In Melbourne!
Actually this post is kinda late, since i've been here since Monday. But what the hey :D
Heres my mom & the aunt who I'm staying with under a RMIT sign.

Heres me pointing at the sign.

We had Subway footlongs for lunch.

My cousin and Ikea Swedish meatballs. Not the bastardized version you get in KL. The meatballs, not the cousin ;)


Aunt's husband showing us around.

A Tree.

Everybody looking around.

Australia is home to some of the worlds deadliest snakes.

Actually this post is kinda late, since i've been here since Monday. But what the hey :D

Heres me pointing at the sign.

We had Subway footlongs for lunch.

My cousin and Ikea Swedish meatballs. Not the bastardized version you get in KL. The meatballs, not the cousin ;)


Aunt's husband showing us around.

A Tree.

Everybody looking around.

Australia is home to some of the worlds deadliest snakes.

Nice pics.
Love your aunt's husband was "howing" you guys around... *innocent whistle* ;) Hope your day out is going along fine.
Glad you made it there safely! Miss you already :) Keep blogging, and tell us more :P
come to nz lar
no snakes
only..spiders XD
Izzy: mE sPeelign sux ;P
irene: hey! Hope you feel better... sorry no time to see you before i left...
cel: no money lar...
Damnit, lucky bastage... there already? I'll be there on the 28th of Jan, which gives me a month to poke around Melb prior to the course commencement. Just mail me your contact number or something when you get it set up leh.
No you don't. You only get 1/2 a month, as commencement has been brought forward by a week so that we will get an extra week of mid sem holiday to go watch the Commonwealth Games that will be here in March. :D
Also, Jesse called me, saying theres a commencement info pakage for me with here in CyberJaya. You might want to go check if theres one for you too.
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