Todays BBQ
Today I had a bunch over lunch. It was supposed to be Calvin, Marvin, Alex and Frankie, plus me and my bro, but Alex is now a desk jockey and so couldn't make it, Frank was nowhere to be seen and it so happend a neighbourhood kid dropped by; so I invited him in for food.
Thats me...

...making the Lemon Butter sauce for the Fish.

Shameless plug for the seasoning used for...

...the LAMB! (We also had chicken; not shown)

Fresh off the grill! YuM!

Peek a Boo! Feed Me You!

The aforementioned fish.

Me and my mugshot.

Caramelized Veggies in the making.

Me and my Thongs... Hmmmmm...

Let me see if I can magically turn him and the world around...

Whys yeses I cans!

WHERES THE FIRE??!! oh... right...

Hmmmm... Sprite! The drink of champions!

The things kids do...

...when waiting to be fed.

YAY! Food!

*eat* *eat* *eat* Hmmm... feels like someones missing...

Hey! What are you looking at?

What generation gap?

Othman, Marvin and Calvin.

Nigel rufusing to be photographed.

All stuffed and...

... watching TV.

Today I had a bunch over lunch. It was supposed to be Calvin, Marvin, Alex and Frankie, plus me and my bro, but Alex is now a desk jockey and so couldn't make it, Frank was nowhere to be seen and it so happend a neighbourhood kid dropped by; so I invited him in for food.
Thats me...

...making the Lemon Butter sauce for the Fish.

Shameless plug for the seasoning used for...

...the LAMB! (We also had chicken; not shown)

Fresh off the grill! YuM!

Peek a Boo! Feed Me You!

The aforementioned fish.

Me and my mugshot.

Caramelized Veggies in the making.

Me and my Thongs... Hmmmmm...

Let me see if I can magically turn him and the world around...

Whys yeses I cans!

WHERES THE FIRE??!! oh... right...

Hmmmm... Sprite! The drink of champions!

The things kids do...

...when waiting to be fed.

YAY! Food!

*eat* *eat* *eat* Hmmm... feels like someones missing...

Hey! What are you looking at?

What generation gap?

Othman, Marvin and Calvin.

Nigel rufusing to be photographed.

All stuffed and...

... watching TV.

I see you can cook.
I would like to marry you.
Yes i can! :D More food porn by mua... Though I think Izzy might have a problem with you marrying me... lol
oh well. guess i'll have to PAY for good food like most of the other poor sods.
oh yess i just saw the photos of your old cooking.
it's 2am.
there's no food like that for miles.
i hate you.
I do actually have a problem with that! *holds onto Nicholas possessively* His grub is free for me!
Nice pics! Cal! Marv! FOOD!
But lamb... :S
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